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Chinese company produces subway trains for Portuguese metro project

Workers on a production line of CRRC Tangshan Co., Ltd., in Tangshan, north China's Hebei Province, Dec. 31, 2019. (Xinhua/Yang Shiyao)

CRRC Tangshan Co., Ltd., one of China's major high-speed train manufacturers, said it has started producing metro cars for a subway project of Porto, Portugal.

According to the deal signed in January 2020, the company in Tangshan City, north China's Hebei Province, will produce 18 subway trains, with 72 carriages in total, for a local metro company in Porto and provide a 5-year maintenance service.

With a maximum passenger capacity of 346 people on each train and a maximum speed of 80 km per hour, the subway trains feature lightweight design, low energy consumption, low noise and intelligent operation, according to the manufacturer.

"We will focus on production, quality and cost control, and complete the project with high standards and strict requirements," said Tan Mu, general manager of CRRC Tangshan.

Source:Xinhua  Editor:jiwen

(Source_title:Chinese company produces subway trains for Portuguese metro project)
