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Six keywords representing China’s diplomacy in 2018: Chinese FM

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi speaks at the opening ceremony of a symposium on the international situation and China's diplomacy in 2018, co-hosted by China Institute of International Studies and China Fund of International Studies in Beijing, capital of China, Dec. 11, 2018. (Xinhua/Zhai Jianlan)

China’s diplomacy achieved new progress this year and can be summarized using six keywords and phrases, including openness, cooperation and steady progress amongst others, said Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi Tuesday, Xinhua News Agency reported.

The first keyword is openness, said the Foreign Minister during the opening ceremony of a symposium on the international situation and China’s diplomacy in 2018.

He explained that contributing to China's wider opening-up has been an overarching theme of China's diplomacy in 2018. Facing the headwinds of protectionism, unilateralism and acts of bullyism, China has remained a staunch supporter for globalization, for multilateralism, and for the free trade system.

From hosting multilateral events to attending international conferences in 2018, China conveyed a clear, consistent message of its commitment to wider opening-up by outlining new policies and concrete measures, thus standing firm on the right side of history, Wang said.

The second keyword is cooperation. Win-win cooperation is the brightest highlight of China's foreign policy in 2018. The joint undertaking of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) entered a new phase this year, and all sides have worked to deepen and enrich the cooperation under the BRI, said the Foreign Minister.

Besides, the BRI spirit was incorporated into the outcoming documents of important international institutions including the United Nations, and is increasingly becoming a consensus for international cooperation. Notable progress has been made on a large number of priority projects and South-South cooperation was elevated to a new level, he added.

The third key phrase is steady progress, which is the goal of China's foreign policy in 2018, he continued. With a cool head and a proactive approach amid regional and global complexities, China has maintained overall stability of our relations with the major countries, and achieved all-round improvement and growth of our relations with neighboring countries.

The fourth key phrase is standing at the forefront of our times. This reflects China's concern for the common good of humanity in 2018. The international system has reached a crucial moment of transformation, and the world economy has arrived at a crossroads.

In the face of disagreement, disillusionment and disquiet among countries, China, following the trend of the times, is working actively to forge a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind that endeavors to make the global governance system more just and equitable. In a highly uncertain world, China has become an important source of stability, said Wang.

The fifth keyword is mission. A strong sense of mission is the driving force of China's foreign policy in 2018. This year has seen a major turnaround regarding the situation on the Korean Peninsula, which is the result of the concerted efforts of the relevant parties and what China has been calling for.

On the Iranian nuclear issue, China stands firmly by international law and the greater good. Furthermore, Chinese diplomats have engaged in shuttle diplomacy to advance the political settlement of such issues as Afghanistan, northern Myanmar, Syria and Palestine, meeting its responsibility for world peace and international justice.

The sixth keyword is steadfastness. Safeguarding national interests in a steadfast way is the abiding mission of China's foreign policy in 2018. China is resolved to uphold our country's sovereignty and security which are China's core interests, and firmly oppose foreign intervention in Hong Kong and Macao affairs, vigorously engaging in diplomacy on issues relating to Tibet and Xinjiang, and strengthening international counter-terrorism, law enforcement and security cooperation.

The Minister noted that for the aim of fulfilling our central task of serving national economic and social development, China has fully leveraged its diplomatic and consular assets across the globe to facilitate more sub-national cooperation and the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Source:People's Daily Online  Editor:Lucky

(Source_title:Six keywords representing China’s diplomacy in 2018: Chinese FM)
