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Centurial Honghui: Building a World-Class Orthopedic Hospital is not easy for any hospital to develop and forge ahead forover 100 years between 1911 and 2018, from the medical team during the warperiod to the "Western Orthopedic Aircraft Carrier" and nationallyrenowned orthopedic hospital, the Honghui Hospital has been forging ahead onthe road to a world-class orthopedic hospital through a hundred years ofpersistence and innovation.

From the Medical Team during the War Period Evolving into the"Western Orthopedic Aircraft Carrier"

Established in the war years, Xi'anHonghui Hospital has shouldered the tasks of rescuing, saving the lives ofcountless soldiers and relieving countless victims during war times. In today'speaceful years, it has solved or alleviated the sufferings of innumerablepatients.

As the earliest public hospital in Xi'an,the Honghui Hospital was jointly awarded as the "Three National OrthopedicCenters" with Beijing Jishuitan Hospital and Tianjin Hospital as early asthe 1980s. "Honghui Hospital has always been characterized by clinicaltreatment. The clinical skills, ability and level of solving common diseases,especially bone injuries, have been recognized and appreciated by the people.'Treatment for orthopedics, going to Honghui' has been propagated in the mouthof the people in Shaanxi ". Hao Dingjun, director of Xi'an Honghui Hospitaltold to the reporter.


HaoDingjun, director of Xi'an Honghui Hospital, was interviewed by reporter(photographed by An Xin)

"To reach the leading level in thewest, in the country even in the world, we must combine scientific researchwith clinical practice together, and we must pay great attention to scientificresearch and teaching". director Hao Dingjun, who is a scientificresearcher, said this. In recent years, under the leadership of the Xi'anHealth and Family Planning Commission and the guidance of the “HospitalRejuvenation through Science and Technology”, Honghui Hospital has achievedfruitful results in medical, teaching and research work. In 2009, HonghuiHospital became the Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Medical University. In 2011,it became the Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University. In 2013,Honghui Hospital was awarded the "Shaanxi Provincial OrthopedicHospital" by the Shaanxi Health and Family Planning Commission.

In the discipline setting, the disciplinedifferentiation is based on the principle that we set disciplines that othersdon't have and we set more disciplines than those of others. Now, there are1312 beds in the hospital, including 1000 for orthopedic patients, 13orthopedic specialties, 25 wards, as well as 22 non-orthopedic clinicalspecialties and 15 medical departments. It has three sub-hospitals set in theHonghui Hospital:spinal disease hospital, joint disease hospital, bone injuryhospital, and five treatment centers: hand surgery treatment center,traditional Chinese medicine treatment center, sports medicine treatmentcenter, hindfoot and ankle surgery treatment center, and pediatric orthopedictreatment center. Honghui Hospital has become the Third class A Level hospitalwith a combination of treatment, teaching, research and rehabilitation. It hasan annual outpatient volume of more than 600,000 persons and more than 40,000operations per year, making it a genuinely "Western Orthopedic AircraftCarrier".

From Internationally Renowned Hospital Marching towards theWorld-class Hospital

Hao Dingjun introduced to the reporterthat during the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” period, the goal of Honghui Hospitalwas to create a “nationally first-class, internationally renowned orthopedichospital” and adopted the strategy of “going global and bringing in”. On theone hand, we has held the international academic conferences every year since2010, which was marked by a series of international academic conferences suchas the "First World Congress of Orthopaedics" and "2015 Xi'anInternational Orthopedic Masters Forum", inviting top internationalexperts including Nobel Prize winners to Honghui Hospital for visiting andcommunication. On the other hand, we have implemented the 100-year talent trainingprogram that the hospital sends 20 medical persons per year to study abroad formore than one year, and after five years there will be 100 talents who havebeen trained abroad for more than one year. Their vision. scope of knowledge,level of academic cognition will have reached the world-class standards. Inaddition, in recent years, we have arranged people to participate ininternationally renowned orthopedic conferences including the "The NorthAmerican Spine Society Annual Meeting", "Eurospine" and"American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting", anddelivered speeches at the meetings. From the current feedback, the goal ofbecoming the "internationally renowned" has been achieved.

For the "Thirteenth Five-YearPlan", the main goal of the Honghui Hospital is to achieve "greatorthopedics, powerful integration". Among them, the great orthopedics isto march from the internationally renowned hospital to the world-class one, sothat it not only makes the former counterparts of all countries know theHonghui Hospital, but also lets the counterparts of all countries think thatthe Huanghui Hospital is powerful. The "powerful integration" is toincrease the number of comprehensive beds of the Honghui Hospital from morethan 200 to 500, improving comprehensive departments, matching world-classinspection and monitoring equipment, and finally forming a comprehensivehospital leaded by orthopedics and equipped with comprehensive departments toserve more patients.

Hao Dingjun expressed that, in the nextstep, Honghui Hospital will aim at the forefront of the world's science andtechnology, strengthening clinical research, achieving prospective clinicalresearch and major breakthroughs in leading original achievements, activelycreating a new era of scientific and technological work, and building aworld-class orthopedic hospital.

Source:中國網·絲路中國頻道  Editor:lirui
