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Britain's biggest beer festival to offer alcohol-free real ale for the first time

The UK’s biggest beer festival is to offer a new drink this year - alcohol-free ale.

A Dutch beer will be on sale at the Campaign for Real Ale’s (Camra) Great British Beer Festival in London in August.

Almost 1,000 different ales, ciders, wines and gins will feature in the event at Olympia, along with a range of alcohol-free beer for the first time in the festival’s 41-year history.

A Dutch beer will be the first alcohol-free ale on sale at the Campaign for Real Ale’s Great British Beer Festival in August.

Braxzz Brewery has developed an alcohol-free IPA and the world’s first alcohol-free porter ale.

Festival organiser Catherine Tonry said: “Alcohol-free beer has become increasingly important in recent years and thankfully brewers have been keeping pace with consumer demands.

“There are now some fantastic innovations in the sector and a much wider range of styles and flavours than ever before.

“We are thrilled to provide an alcohol-free alternative to festival-goers who cannot or choose not to drink.”

Festival organiser Catherine Tonry says alcohol-free beer has become increasingly popular with consumers.

James Leary, of Braxzz, said: “We are delighted to be attending the Great British Beer Festival for hopefully the first of many appearances.

“We hope to provide something different at the event and give another option to anybody who will not be drinking but still want to taste craft ale.”

Source:Mail Online  Editor:李芮

(Source_title:Britain's biggest beer festival to offer alcohol-free real ale for the first time)
