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"Let the world listen to the voice of Shaanxi" walk into Yan 'an visiting in village whatever the rain or shine

Description:24 - July 30, - "let the world listen to the voiceof Shannxi" theme activities walkinto the city of Yan’an

24 - July 30, - "let the world listen to the voiceof Shannxi"  theme activities walkinto the city of Yan’an, the intrview team to against the heavy weather, intothe streets, the fields, home of crowd.In one day intrview one county, onecounty with one theme planning, travel more than 2000 km,respectively finished,Yanchuancounty,Zhidan county, Luochuan county Huangling county, Yan 'an environmental protection bureau(YEPB), and some of the key enterprises to takeinterview,ues the wheel measuring the Yenan’s landscape,To use camera recordedthe beautiful scenery of yanan,Write down many story of Yan’an.Use a fewpictures to tell you which way the visiting groups went, who they visited,whatthey were find, and what the shaanxi sounds is.(photo/writer Gao gang)

1、在延川縣採訪從土窯洞搬進新樓房的貧困戶劉宏偉、王鳳梅老兩口,傾聽他們講述的脫貧故事。(高崗 攝) 

In Yanchuan county, Liu hongmei and Wang fengmei, the poor families who moved into the new buildings from the cave-house, listen to their stories of poverty alleviation.(photo/ Gao gang)




2、在有“黃土高原上的香格里拉”美譽的黃龍縣,採訪縣委書記任高飛。(高崗 攝)In Huanglong county, which as know as the Shangri-la of the loess Plateau region, we interviewed the party secretary of county .(photo/ Gao gang)


2To interview Yanchuan deputy secretary of the County  Huang hua,to resolve poverty alleviation actions in the national poverty-stricken counties.(photo/ Qi shuaiqi)


Early in the morning, came to the so-called "The first gulf of Yellow River" - qiankun wan.(photo/ Gao gang)

4、採訪延安市環保局黨組書記、局長張宇,了解“聖地藍”背後的責任與付出。(高崗 攝)

Interview Zhang yu the secretary of the party group of the environmental protection bureau of yan 'an, to understand the responsibilities and efforts behind "holy blue land".(photo/ Gao gang)

5、一陣突如其來的風雨讓採訪團猝不及防 (高崗 攝)

A sudden storm of wind and rain caught the visiting team.(photo/ Gao gang)

6、洛川縣委常委、政府常務副縣長陳耀忠帶記者參觀新培育果苗。(高崗 攝)

Chen yaozong, member of the standing committee of the Luochuan county committee and deputy head of the government, took the visiting team to the new seedlings.(photo/ Gao gang)

7、站在抗日紅軍大學舊址的院子裏,觸摸歷史,感受紅色文化。(高崗 攝)

Stand in the courtyard of the old site of the anti-japanese red army university, touch the history and feel the red culture.(photo/ Gao gang)

8、墻壁上的一個“家”字,包含了多少故事。(高崗 攝)

The word "home" on the wall contains many stories.(photo/ Gao gang)


Feng haobin the deputy head of the government of Zhidan county, was interviewed by Gao gang)

11、採訪長慶油田採油一廠安全副總師竇世璠 (高崗 攝)

Interview with the safety deputy master Dou shihe, a factory in Changqing oilfield.(photo/ Gao gang)

12、車子行走在洛川泥濘的鄉間小道上,採訪仍在繼續,風雨無阻。(高崗 攝)

the car travel on the muddy road in Luochuan country, the interview continued, no matter rain or shine.(photo/ Gao gang)  Editor:雷睿哲
