Tai Chi Stone-Magnetic Tonic Latex Pillow

時間:2023-05-22 10:27:51 | 來源:中國網衢州


Product Size: 48*74cm

Product Materia:Natural Iatex Core Fapric With Ta Chi Stone Incrfdfnts Soft Macnetic Ctrip

Prcdlkct Hihiight Description: Natural Iatexinner Coreinhibit The Arfding O Mites Andbacteria Physical Foaming Process:360 Care For The Ceryical Spine, The Latex Pillow Fits The Headnfck And Shoui Dfrs,And Rffises To Hang The Cervical Spinf: The Honfycomb-Type Vent Is Soft Anoresilient Without Deformation:Energy Tai Chi Stone Fabric Promotes Body Microxcirculation Andrfiaxes Hfad And Nfck Mlsies: Rare Farth Health Magnfts Can Fffectively Mprcive The Blidyslack Of Magnetismthe Scheming Chest Tightness Caused By Magnetic Replenishment Sleeps Andstores Energy For Life.