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發佈時間: 2017-07-06 17:44:46  |  來源: 雪域高原攝影人  |  作者: 王雪鵬  |  責任編輯: 鄭亮
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Three years of travel in Tibet, whole life will soak in peace. The beauty of Tibet can touch our hearts, because we not only use the eyes to appreciate Tibet, but also in the minds to dialogue with Tibet. In the long journey of life, three years may be just a short period, the time will blur the traces of it in the future. However, Tibet, this magical brush in my mind left the mark can never erase.

——ChuDongDeXinLing, on 2014





Kowtowing woman with a lot of braids

The photo was taken in sep 2011. A Tibetan woman from the Northern Tibet has been kowtowing in Jokhang Temple for a long time, which is one of the Tibetan Buddhist rituals r to express their inner piety.

The woman’s whole body is crawling on the icy rocky road, eyes looking straight ahead. It seems that she is ignoring the world around her. I believe that a lot of long and small braids of her attract the attention of many viewers. This is a unique hair style of Tibetan women and they love the style.

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