《一個女孩説……》攝于2019年 紐約聯合國總部






A Girl Speaks- by Amber

6 a.m,without any hesitation,

I’m preparing to face all citizens.

Thinking, thinking every day,

Gender equality, I’m on my way.

In the solemn atmosphere of the hall,

that wooden stand can’t wait to hear.

I walk back to Women’s Right Activist Hallway,

"We cannot succeed if half of us are held back," is what I always say.

As always, Malala encourages me,

How strong the power of a woman can be!

The lady and I might be underestimated by gender.

However, we are proving that everyone can be an ambassador.

Some people, either ordinary people or leaders,

might judge us simply by our gender.

But I intend to claim,

That an equal society is our aim.

So every morning, and every day again,

This human right is like my life chain.

Same, same, and yet the same,

born as a female yet might still be blamed.

I break out saying,

It’s time we all see gender as a spectrum,

An equal community, here I come!

I imagine myself standing on the stage,

Peace is our common language.

Will we succeed? who knows?

I insist that I never say no.

Today I am the representative,

For the bright future we live.

《Darkness》作者:Amber Xie 謝芊依 創作于2023年

作者簡介Author‘s Profile:

Amber Xie, a 11-year-old student in Shenzhen, an ordinary girl who loves literature and art. in addition to Latin dance and ice skating, she also likes to record life and stories in words. She hopes to show her attention to gender equality, as well as the rights and interests of women through different works so as to promote her yearning for a better and more peaceful life in the future.

作品簡介Introduction of the work:

During Christmas in 2018, an ordinary trip initiated Amber‘s interest for women’s rights. When she went to Cambodia, she accidentally walked into a school and the local girls were very excited to communicate with her. In spite of speaking different languages, smiles impact each other. Along with the development of society, Amber is grateful to see how girls have more opportunities to participate in diverse sectors. It’s strongly related to the continuous efforts of many advocates, one of whom is Malala. The first poem takes the mind journey of Malala before her speech, Amber tries to show how heroic and courageous Malala was to successfully spoke for women. The second poem is about how Amber put herself in two different genders in order to present and express one’s determination to strive for own rights and beliefs.

《柬埔寨的水上校園》作者:謝芊依 Amber Xie 攝于2018年柬埔寨

《高棉的女兒們》作者:謝芊依 Amber Xie 攝于2018年柬埔寨

《如果我是女生》作者:謝芊依 Amber Xie 攝于2018年柬埔寨

《同一片陽光下》作者:謝芊依 Amber Xie 攝于2018年柬埔寨校園

《我們》作者:謝芊依 Amber Xie 攝于2018年柬埔寨校園

《希望》作者:謝芊依 Amber Xie 攝于2018年柬埔寨校園


《真相》 攝于2019年聯合國

《總有一天,我可以!》 攝于2019年紐約聯合國總部
