貝恩公司全球總裁做客管理大師論壇 | 活動報名

貝恩公司全球總裁做客管理大師論壇 | 活動報名

2024-06-07 15:34



貝恩公司全球總裁做客管理大師論壇 |活動報名


5月7日 16:45-18:15,在復旦大學管理學院史帶樓一樓友邦堂

16:45-18:15, May 7th, 2024,AIA Hall, 1F Starr Building  School of Management, Fudan University


Navigating Tomorrow:Leadership Priorities and the Role of AI

主講嘉賓:Guest Speaker曼尼·馬瑟達Manny Maceda,貝恩公司全球總Worldwide Managing Partner, Bain & Company



On May 7th, Manny Maceda, the Worldwide Managing Partner at Bain & Company, will grace the Forum of Management Masters at Fudan University as the distinguished guest speaker. Joining him will be Siwei Shen, Bain Partner at the Shanghai office. Together, they will delve into the vital leadership priorities necessary for charting a course through the future. Manny will share his insights on the evolving landscape of business priorities, the dynamic changes in consulting, and the critical leadership skills needed to thrive in an AI-driven world. 



Manny joined Bain & Company in 1988 and became the worldwide managing partner in 2018 (CEO and Chairman of the Board). He has held multiple leadership roles within Bain including Chairman of the Asia-Pacific region and Lead of Bain’s Full Potential Transformation Group, Performance Improvement practice and Reengineering practice. He previously served on the firm's Management Committee, Nominating Committee and Global Operating Committee.

As CEO, Manny has overseen Bain’s accelerated growth and transformation to embed digital and technology capabilities into Bain’s core business – while maintaining Bain’s culture and its ranking as one of the best places to work according to Glassdoor (top 4 for 16 years), Fortune, Vault and others.

對話嘉賓Panelist:沈思為Siwei Shen,貝恩公司全球合夥人Partner, Bain & Company


Siwei Shen is a core member of our Consumer Products and Automotive practices. Since joining Bain & Company in 2014, Siwei has been focusing on growth strategy, brand marketing, sales and go-to-market management and consumer-centric capability building.Siwei has extensive experience in consumer health, food, personal care and passenger vehicle industry. He led growth strategy for leading consumer health brands, helped top confectionery brands to conduct business integration and channel optimization, and designed new energy vehicle strategy for a global leading luxury car brand.Beyond his client work, Siwei is a leader of our associate consultant and senior associate consultant programs in Greater China. These end-to-end programs cover recruiting, training, career development and people advocacy efforts, striving for a more rewarding and sustainable career path for our team members.


主持人Moderator:吳冬媛博士Dr. Dongyuan Wu,復旦管院企業管理系助理教授Assistant Professor of Business Administration, School of Management, Fudan University

吳冬媛,博士畢業于密歇根州立大學人力資源與勞工關係學院。研究方向包括組織行為與人力資源、領導力、多元化與包容性、跨文化管理等。在Journal of International Business Studies, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior等期刊發表多篇文章,多次參與Academy of Management等年會並做報告。研究和學術觀點被文匯報、福布斯等國內外媒體報道。

Dongyuan Wu (Ph.D. in Human Resources and Labor Relations, Michigan State University) is an Assistant Professor at Fudan University’s School of Management. Her research interests include organizational behavior, human resource management, leadership, DEI, and cross-cultural management. She has published research papers in journals such as Journal of International Business Studies, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior. Her research has been presented at Academy of Management annual conferences and has been discussed in prominent media outlets such as Forbes and Wenhui Daily.

活動議程 Agenda 

簽到入場 - Registration

對話 - Dialogue

問答環節 - Q & A

報名 Registration:識別下方二維碼


