
大家好,歡迎來到碰詞兒現場!2018年標誌著中國改革開放40週年,所以,我們今天要談論的是“南巡講話”。  1992年1月18日至2月21日,鄧小平先後到武昌、深圳、珠海、上海等地視察,併發表了一系列重要講話,通稱南巡講話。講話針對人們思想中普遍存在的疑慮,重申了深化改革、加速發展的必要性和重要性,並從中國實際出發,站在時代的高度,深刻地總結了十多年改革開放的經驗教訓,在一系列重大的理論和實踐問題上,提出了新觀點,講出了新思路,開創了新視野,有了重大新突破,將建設有中國特色社會主義理論與實踐,大大地向前推進了一步。


Southern Tour Talks

Hi! Welcome to “About China”!

This year marks the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up in China. Therefore, in today’s program, we will talk about “Southern Tour Talks”.

From January 18 to February 21, 1992, Deng Xiaoping successively inspected the work in Wuchang, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, and Shanghai and delivered a series of important speeches in these places, generally known as Southern Tour Talks. With regard to the common concerns that haunted people, these speeches reiterated the necessity and importance of deepening reform and accelerating development, and summed up the lessons learned from more than 10 years’ reform and opening up profoundly in view of times and China’s reality. Meanwhile, relating to a series of major theoretical and practical issues, new ideas were introduced, new lines of thought were proposed and new horizons were opened. Great breakthroughs have immensely pushed forward the task of building socialism with Chinese characteristics both in theory and practice.

In a word, Deng Xiaoping’s talks during his Southern Tour play a key role in promoting China’s economic reform and social progress in the 1990s, which will contribute to China’s reform and development in the 21st Century.

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