



在中國,一切權力都是人民賦予的,只能用來為人民謀利益。把權力關進制度的籠子裏,就是要加強對權 力運作的制約和監督,形成不敢腐的懲戒機制、不能腐的防範機制、不易腐的保障機制。這三個機制實際上就是標本兼治、懲防並舉的反腐倡廉體系的制度化標準。圍繞三個機制建設,中國已建立綱紀嚴明的制度規範,讓制度發揮其應有的作用。真正做到:任何人都沒有法律之外的絕對權力,任何人行使權力都必須為人民服務、對人民負責並自覺接受人民監督。

Confining the Exercise of Power Within an Institutional Cage

All power in China is bestowed by the people and should be exercised only for the benefit of the people. The move to confine the exercise of power within an institutional cage is meant to strengthen oversight of the work of the government and deter possible misuse of power by government officials. It entails establishing a mechanism that prevents, deters and punishes corruption. Such a mechanism should provide institutional firepower to fight corruption and promote integrity, by addressing both the symptoms and root causes of corruption with combined measures of punishment and prevention. To this end, China has established an effective framework of accountability with institutional checks on corruption. It is designed to ensure that no official enjoys absolute power above the law and that all officials exercise power to serve the people, are accountable to them and accept their oversight.