Director of Economic Department of the city of Cologne:It's time to cooperate closer with China

發佈時間:2019-06-24 18:07:47  |  來源  |  作者:  |  責任編輯:葛蕾

Q: What's your different feelings when you coming to this fair?


A: It's my fourth time that I came to the CIFTIS here in Beijing, and as we have very close relations to your capital, it's  a little bit like coming home. I'm always saying Beijing is something like my second hometown. CIFTIS is an event which we are very familiar with and it's like coming back.


Q: Please give us a brief introduction of the policies and advantages of attracting investment in Cologne. Which one do you think will attract Chinese entrepreneurs?


A: You see we have long relation with China starting in the medieval ages, but in the modern times we have sistership with your capital with Beijing since 1987, since that time, we try to attract Chinese companies to settle down in our city. Our main advantages are in the distance of 100 kilometers around our world famous Cologne Cathedral there live 17 million people, so you have the biggest market you can find in Europe. Other advantages are that we offer the best traffic connections. We have 3 international airport, reachable in less than 1 hour from our downtown. thank for the fastest way, it's only 47 minutes away by high speed train. Such advantages would be we have very wide range of different branches in Cologne, we are not only dependent from one sector but we offer different branches, so each company will find ideal environment. But I think the main point is that Cologne is very China friendly. It starts on the top. Our mayor, Mrs. Reker is a great friend of China,  in autumn I will come back with her , it will be her eighth travel to China. We love China, in autumn we also organize a big China festival, a big business invest conference. We have close relation to your country, we offer the companies excellence business opportunities for you.


Q:  How do you comment the relationship between China and Germany?


A: It's time to cooperate even closer. The world present is in disorder, you know this guy in the stage. I can't understand what he does, that great danger he brings the world economy in a depressive face. I think Germany and Europe have to cooperate closer with China. Because in the past China show the fact of stability especially in the global financial crisis.


Q:  How should China and Germany maintain this healthy relationship?


A: It' must to cooperate and to visit each other. Your government is a close connect with our government, it's must continue this meetings on each level. On the level of government, on the level of business contacts with companies and also on the level of people. The people to meet each other and we try to convince many German people, many Cologne people to travel to your country and to get image of China by their owns eyes and not only by our press.
