
發佈時間: 2014-06-27 21:20:59  |  來源: 中國發展門戶網  |  作者:  |  責任編輯: 魏博
關鍵詞: 玉米胚芽 Corn 玉米油 招商引資 長壽油 Germ 加工設備 生産加工 Yuan tons








Corn Germ OilProduction and Processing Project

1. Overview ofproject:“Corn oil” is rich in vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acidwhich are necessary for human body, and the content is more than80%. “Corn oil” is the corn germ oil made by using corn germ as theraw material and after deacidifying, deodorizing, decoloring,dewaxing and other processes. It is beneficial to the patients ofhypertension, obesity, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, coronaryheart disease and so on to eat corn germ oil for a long time. Atpresent, corn oil has been widely used as a kind of high-gradeedible oil in Europe and America. It has the reputation of “healthyoil”, “reliable oil” and “longevity oil”. Raohe County has the cornplanting area of 60,000 hectares and produces 450,000 tons ofun-processed corn per year.

2. Constructioncontents and scale:The project plans to construct a corn germ oilprocessing factory. It is to introduce the most advanced corn germoil processing equipment in China and process 200,000 tons of cornoil per year. The project covers an area of 50,000 square meters.The construction period is 2 years (The oil content of corn is4-5%, and one ton of corn can produce 80-140 jin of oil).

3. TotalInvestment:The total planned investment of the project is 100million Yuan, including the fixed assets of 30 million Yuan and thecurrent fund of 70 million Yuan.

4. Economicbenefit:After the project reaches the designed output, it canproduce 10,000 tons of corn germ oil per year. The annualrealizable sales revenue is 80 million Yuan, the realizable profitis 40 million Yuan, the annual tax payment is 12 million Yuan, andthe job opportunities can be provided for 200 people. Theinvestment recovery period is 2 years (not including theconstruction period).

5. Cooperationmanner:Cooperation, sole investment.

6. Contactmanner:Song Shujiang0469-5629859
