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國新辦就減稅費優服務 助復産促發展有關情況舉行發佈會

發佈時間:2020-03-30 11:36:57  |  來源:中國網  |  責任編輯:

採 訪 通 知


國務院新聞辦公室將於2020年3月31日(星期二)上午10時舉行新聞發佈會,請國家稅務總局副局長任榮發、總審計師王道樹介紹減稅費優服務 助復産促發展有關情況,並答記者問。歡迎出席。






The State Council Information Office
welcomes your attendance to the press conference

at 10:00 AM, March 31, 2020 (Tuesday)

Issues on

Reducing Taxes and Fees and Optimizing Services  

Facilitating Resumption of Production and Boosting Development

will be introduced by

Mr. Ren Rongfa, Vice Minister of State Taxation Administration

Mr. Wang Daoshu, Chief auditor of State Taxation Administration


Please confirm your participation before 5:00 PM on March 30, 2020.

According to relevant regulations, if you have recently returned to Beijing, please stay at home

for medical observation for 14 days since the date of arrival.