



時間: 2023-12-01 23:25:04 | 來源: 藝術中國
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展會日程 2023 12.08-12.11


VIP預展(僅限邀請)|08-09 Dec

12.08 星期五 19:00-22:00

12.09 星期六 10:00-19:00(同期展開藝術論壇活動)

公眾開放日|10-11 Dec

12.10 星期日 10:00-19:00

12.11 星期一 10:00-19:00

首屆“創造東西”手工藝術博覽會Splendid Craft Art Fair (SCAF)——是中國首個唯一聚焦當代手工藝術的博覽會,旨在為當代手工藝術家、畫廊機構、藏家及藝術愛好者提供一個國際化的專業交流平臺;與傳統工藝美術、非遺等不同,SCAF強調傳統手工藝術的當代化轉換,傳承匠人精神,通過創新的藝術探索與跨文化交流,賦予傳統手工技藝與材料在當代文化框架下的新生命;SCAF將藝術融入日常生活,倡導新的美學生活方式,彰顯獨特品味,提升生活品質和幸福感。






首屆藝博會選擇了與SCAF理念非常契合的廣州文化東方酒店合作,酒店的室內設計由季裕棠設計師事務所 (tonychi studios) 負責,設計揉合了傳統東方元素及「新中國」現代特色。


· 將藝術作品融入酒店環境,以酒店客房作為展覽空間,帶來的是將藝術介入日常生活的極致體驗,形成‘轉角即可見、唾手即可得’的沉浸式、藝術化新生活方式。

· 藝術博覽會介入酒店,可增強酒店獨特的藝術文化亮點,促進酒店藝術品牌形象與知名度的進一步提升;亦可為酒店客人帶來獨特的尊貴體驗。

· 與博覽會同步的藝術論壇,也將帶動周邊的社區藝術文化氛圍、逐漸生成城市藝術文化新地標的驅動力。促進酒店成為兼具城市美育功能的文化空間,更好的服務於共建美好社會的使命,以凝聚更優質的長期會員及藏家群體。





參展藝術家參展于眾多重量級美術館與專業展覽:法國國際工藝設計雙年展、米蘭設計周、威尼斯雙年展、南韓清州工藝雙年展、法國國際工藝與創作雙年展;香港M+博物館、荷蘭Princessehof國家陶瓷博物館、新加坡土生華人博物館、美國聖何塞藝術博物館、法國盧浮宮、巴黎大皇宮、紐約貿易中心、佛羅倫薩 A60 、富山玻璃博物館等展出。

參展藝術家作品紛紛被國際重要美術館機構收藏:被英國V&A(維多利亞和阿爾伯特)博物館、Boijmans Van Beuningen(鹿特丹)、MoMa(紐約)、Cooper Hewitt(紐約)、mudac(洛桑)、費城藝術博物館、蓬皮杜中心(巴黎)、阿姆斯特丹市立博物館和維多利亞博物館、英國布裏斯托博物館與美術館青州博物館、法國Joseph DécheletteRoanne博物館、威尼斯玻璃博物館(Museo del Vetro)等收藏。










The inaugural edition of Splendid Craft Art Fair(SCAF)

The inaugural edition of Splendid Craft Art Fair (SCAF) --- is the only contemporary arts and crafts fair in China, it aims to provide an international platform for craft artists, designers, galleries, collectors, art professionals and the general audience. Unlike traditional arts and crafts or intangible cultural heritage, SCAF emphasises on the contemporary transformation of traditional craftsmanship, to reassess a variety of materials and techniques in the practices, and to translate the past to the present and future.SCAF strives to enhance the quality and happiness in life, fostering a deeper appreciation for the artistry that shapes our world.

Exhibition Schedule|Fair Schedule

08/12 -11/12/2023

Address: 25/F Mandarin Oriental Hotel, No. 389 Tianhe Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 

VIP Preview (invitation only)|08-09 Dec

Collectors Preview (Invitation only)

Friday 08/12 19:00-22:00

Saturday 09/12 10:00-19:00 (Arts Forum events in the same period)

Public Open Day | 10-11 Dec

Public Days

Sunday 10/12 10:00-19:00

Monday 11/12 10:00-19:00

Art Fair Highlights:

We fill thevoid in domestic art marketand take international mature ones as benchmark

SCAF is the first contemporary arts and crafts fair in China, marking a significant milestone in the country's burgeoning art scene. While contemporary arts and crafts fairs have been thriving in the international market for over five decades, with renowned events like COLLECT in the United Kingdom, SOFA in Chicago, and KOGEI in Kanazawa, Japan, playing pivotal roles in their respective industries, SCAF fills a crucial void in the Chinese art landscape. Its groundbreaking presence is set to propel China's contemporary arts and crafts scene to new heights.

We create an immersive art experience ina luxury 5-Star Hotel

The inaugural art fair opted for a partnership with Mandarin Oriental, Guangzhou, which fits well with SCAF's philosophy.The hotel’s interior designer, tonychi studios, fused traditional elements of the orient with the modern identity of today’s “new China”.

· With artworks integrated into hotels and hotel rooms as exhibition spaces, we bring an ultimate experience of the art intervening in daily life and form an immersive yet artistic new lifestyle, making contemporary masterpieces accessible and tangible to a wider audience.

· Art Fairs engaging in hotels benefit both hotels and their customers. On one hand, it enhances the hotels' unique artistic and cultural features and promotes their brand image and recognition. On the other, guests are treated to an unforgettable premium experience that goes beyond traditional hospitality.

· The art forum that accompanies the fair will invigorate the local art communities and shape the cultural landscape, gradually becoming the driving force to upgrade the city as a new urban artistic culture landmark. It enables the hotel to become a cultural space that serves aesthetic educational purposes and helps build a harmonious society. Hence, to create a group of long-term members and collectors.

We possess international vision and quality, achieve professional aesthetic values

Internationalization:The group of our first art fair exhibitors are selected by a panel of experts under strict selection criteria. The organizing committee formed our experts, who decided 5 professional galleries/institutions, nearly 50 artists, and over 180 works/compositions; Our diverse pool of exhibitors extends beyond Chinese artists, encompassing a vibrant global presence, including talented individuals from the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan, South Korea, the Netherlands, and Singapore.The domestic exhibiting artists represent a dynamic spectrum of talent, ranging from senior professors and academic leaders who have shaped the art industry to young and mid-career artists with distinguished backgrounds in fine art academies. We are also honored to feature mature industry leaders who have garnered international recognition for their exceptional contributions.

The professional background of the artists in this exhibition covers almost all the world's most famous art colleges: the nine exceptional Art Academies from China, the Royal Academy of Arts, the Nottingham Trent University from the United Kingdom, the Rhode Island School of Design, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, The School of Visual Arts New York City from the United States, the Tokyo University of the Arts, the Musashino Art University, Kanazawa College of Art, the Kyoto City University of Arts from Japan, the Eindhoven School of Design from the Netherlands. 

The artists in this exhibition are represented at many major galleries and professional exhibitions: the Révélations International Biennial of Crafts and Creation, the Milan Design Week, Venice Biennale, Cheongju Craft Biennale Organizing Committee in South Korea, Hong Kong's Global Museum of Visual Culture, The Princessehof Ceramics Museum in the Netherlands, Peranakan Museum in Singapore, The San José Museum of Art, the Louvre Museum, the Grand Palais, the World Trade Center, A60 Contemporary Art Space in Florence, Toyama Glass Art Museum and others.

The works of the artists in this exhibition are in the collection of the major art galleries or institutions: the V&A (Victoria and Albert) Museum of the United Kingdom, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen (Rotterdam), MoMa (New York), Cooper Hewitt (New York), Smithsonian Design Museum (Lausanne), Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Centre Pompidou (Paris), Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, Joseph-Déchelette Museum and The Murano Glass Museum.

Cultural Inheritance and Innovation, Focusing on Contemporary Transformation of Traditional Technology

SCAF is a forerunner of contemporary transformation of traditional techniques, driven by an unwavering vision to preserve and reimagine time-honored materials and practices. We seamlessly integrate these heritage elements into modern life, showcasing their enduring relevance and adaptability. SCAF paves the way for an elevated lifestyle, steeped in refined aesthetics and artistic expression. Our inaugural exhibition features a captivating array of traditional materials and techniques, including ceramics, glass, lacquer, woodcraft, metalworking, jewelry, and fabric.

Academic forum calls experts and scholars to get together to jointly devote to a better handicraft industry

Themed "Splendid Life", an art forum will be held during the fair, delving into two key themes: "Handicrafts: Where Teaching Meets Industry" and "Handicrafts in the Market and Life." Eminent university discipline leaders, international handicraft masters, heads of cultural and museum institutions, and art market experts and scholars will be invited to contribute to the development of China's handicraft industry. This forum will foster the creation of a new aesthetic lifestyle in the contemporary context, unite the industry's efforts to safeguard China's handmade art heritage, and promote innovation and international recognition.

This is a rare opportunity to embrace a world of artistic brilliance worldwide!

Meet you at the first SCAF 2023 Art Fair!
