



時間:   2022-09-26 23:05:21    |   來源:    藝術中國
展訊 >






ICI LABAS藝棧畫廊將於2022年9月28日-10月30日,舉辦”似真如幻-余啟平水墨作品展“,展出畫家余啟平近幾年創作的數十幅水墨作品。





——葛紅兵  上海大學文學院


余啟平簡歷1980    考入南京藝術學院美術系,主修中國畫1984    畢業于南京藝術學院,兩幅作品入選第六屆全國美展                就職于江蘇美術出版社,任《江蘇畫刊》編輯1991    赴日本〔取得藝術家簽證的資格〕,離開《江蘇畫刊》。1992    個展  Ctiy Gallery 香港1996    個展 北京國際藝苑美術館2000    個展 Imura Art Gallery 京都2001    個展Fuji Gallery大阪2003    個展Coju Gallery京都2005    個展 東京映像 東京2007    個展 日本京都文化博物館 京都2008    個展 孔畫廊 北京/首爾2010    個展J·Gallery上海2010    個展 Fukuzumi Gallery大阪2011    北京國際藝術博覽會 北京2011    個展 閣蕊莉畫廊 上海2012    藝術北京2012    個展 奈良2012    上海國際當代藝術展2013    藝術北京2014    上海藝術博覽會2015    個展 上海大韻堂藝術館2016    個展 梧桐美術館2017    個展 安簃藝術空間 上海2018    個展 安簃藝術空間 上海2019    個展 安簃藝術空間 上海2021    個展 逸空間 南京2021    個展 COSPACE上海2022    二人展 上海大滬藝術空間2022    四人展 劉海粟美術館 上海 

As Real as Illusion——Exhibition of Yu Qiping’s Ink and Wash Painting 

Yu Qiping's paintings are as good as they look real as illusions, however, their images and figures depicted seem to appear to be not 'real', producing a kind of humble, cunning, confusing, serene sense, looks like when it is false, it might be true or vice versa. If you go inside the image, you will be in love with it; if you go away from the image, you will enjoy its elegance. In your eyes, the image might be half obsessed, half alienated, unpredictable like hide-and-seek, just like watching Mr. Yu's smiling face wearing a red fashionable frame, half a scholar's deepness, half an artist's humor. In fact, what's inside is half sea water and the other half flame.

——Xu Mingsong, an art critic

Yu Qiping has created vague world for us. It is introverted, reserved, and intoxicated, but the truth of the world is blooming. It can arouse your sense of tranquility, focus and desire for the things that persist, and conflicts are dissolved and turned into the thirst for authentic lyricism, the yearning for mysterious joy – wisdom is meaningless here, and what is truly meaningful is the indulgence of aesthetic existence.

This pursuit is also reflected in Yu Qiping’s painting skills. He has a deep understanding of various traditional techniques of Chinese painting, but has made modernistic transformations to them; on this basis he has formed his own unique painting vocabulary. This vocabulary constitutes the lexical basis of the aesthetic tendency of “Neo-Orientalism”. I like his painting aesthetics very much: a style and an inclination permeated with a very strong new oriental meaning. It is not a simple return to Buddhist Zen, nor is it a reproduction of Taoism’s thought of detachment from the world, but in a modern context. Through the avoidance of mechanical, crowded, busy, useless and other living conditions, it shows the true nature of human beings, the artist intends to reveal the pursuit and interpretation of the state of being human beings in the world. I named it “New Orientalism” painting: what it pursues is nothingness, unawareness, chaos and unity.

——Ge Hongbing,School of Liberal Arts, Shanghai University

(Translated into English by Jin Hua,polished by Professor Tony Brown)
