



時間:   2018-07-20 22:17:53    |   來源:    藝術中國
展訊 >


展   覽:夢裏孤山——丁天缺紀念展


展   期:2018年7月15日至9月12日


地   址:798東街藝術區 #D10 法國館 中國北京朝陽區酒仙橋路2號
















The Long Road Never Seen or Crossed, the Hero despite Hardship since Ancient Times is Hard to Beat


Mr. Ding Tianque has increasingly received more attention by the public, placing him as an important artist in the history of modern Chinese art.

Ding Tianque, formerly known as Ding Shanxiang, was born in Yixing, Jiangsu Province in 1916. In 1935, he was admitted into the National Hangzhou Art Academy, where he received instruction from the director of the Western Painting Department, Wu Dayu, who became his lifelong mentor.

1990 風

1990 城隍山早讀

1990 夾竹桃與甜橙

Ding Tianque’s life was not an easy one as he suffered all kinds of hardships. When the Anti-Japanese War broke out, it was difficult to move around the country despite this he was able to move to many places including Jiangxi, Hunan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other provinces with the school. Unfortunately, during this period, he was forced to leave the National Hangzhou Art Academy because of his participation in student demonstrations. As he was a very talented artist he was invited to teach at the Xichuan Art School in Chengdu and also taught at several local secondary schools. In 1947, he returned to his alma mater in Hangzhou to serve as an assistant to Mr. Wu Dayu. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, various political movements came into power. At this time he was referred to as the head of the “new paintings” and was fired by the school. He had to leave and live in Zhejiang Medical College. Soon afterwards, the bigger political movements followed and he was twice labeled with counter-revolutionary title, imprisoned, disciplined, reeducated and finally escorted back to his original birthplace for supervision and heavy labor almost for thirty years. It was not until 1980 that he was initially rehabilitated and returned to his alma mater to serve as editor of the magazine “Art Translation Series”. The world became a sunny place for him at this moment, although late in his life, he regained his brush, highlighting literature and art, and gradually returning to normal life and his creative activities.

1991 紅髮髻

1990 花瓶

1990 花

Mr. Ding said in his late years that his classmate Zao Wou-ki’s paintings are “plausible” and his own works are often “likely”. Especially the landscapes, he painted mountains and forests as monsters, but also “self-made claims”. In fact, Mr. Ding’s paintings are full of joys and sorrows. His figurative paintings are not shaped, not feminine, but they depict the object just to the point both in form and spirituality that are impressive to the viewer. The flowers in his still-life paintings are deeply influenced by Impressionism mixed with strong oriental aesthetics. He was good at depicting mountains and rivers with anthropomorphic techniques making everything feel alive. And there are several paintings where the subject matter is the clothing of dolls; they are painted in such a manner that it is apparent his thinking is deeper than the painted objects themselves. For more than thirty years, the number of his creation was limited, but even so they are all colorful and remarkable.

2006 閒庭寂寞露華濃 80×60

1989 歌劇導演谷風先生

1990 聽蟬

In addition to painting, Mr. Ding kept on writing introducing Western painters’ works of art theories to mainland China including translating “Pablo Picasso”, “Self-portrait of Zao Wou-ki” and others. He was fascinated by French literature and translated “Maupassant’s Short Story Selection” and “Verlaine’s Poetry Selection” into Chinese. However, his autobiography “The Long Past and Lost Dream” and the painting theory “Trivial Talks on Painting Matters” published in his later years are even more valuable.

1992 劍門夜月《向大將軍姜維致敬》

1988 女工程師

1998 窗前偶見Ⅱ

1993 羊腳蹄花

By writing the poem sentences such as “Lonely mountain drunk in a dream”, and “West Lake old dreams are not sustainable…”, we can see that Ding Tianque is very good at classical Chinese literature. Today, when we read again the old-fashioned poems he wrote in his difficult times, the lines of those poems are filled with his feelings about the West Lake, especially the dream of his alma mater. By writing the following sentences, “The road never seen or crossed in the past, the hero despite hardships is hard to beat since ancient times, the bamboo planted in the West Garden for an inspirational festival, learning to draw in the Southern Building to seek for quietness <Ding Tianque, a Tang-and-Song Dynasties’ poem rhythm (Tang Dynasty 618-907AD.; Song Dynasty 960-1279 AD) titled Entrusted for A Ten-Beats Rhythm>”, it is clear Mr. Ding is really an intellectual full of enthusiasm and strong feeling of his homeland. Fortunately, his art cannot be obscured and will not be forgotten. What is gratifying is that Mr. Ding’s artistic achievements have become more and more valuable today, and come to be an indispensable and powerful part of Wu Dayu’s teaching system.

1992 小舞臺(靜物)

1991 老岳母

1991 觀音跳晨曦

1992 什剎海

This year is the 5th anniversary of Mr. Ding’s death. We held this show with great significance in memory of him by reading his work, thinking of our past events in relation to him. We know that Mr. Ding’s tree of art is ever green and his personality spirit everlasting.

Shi Jianbang

30th June, 2018

(前言英文翻譯:晉華,校對:Tony Brown)

展   覽:夢裏孤山——丁天缺紀念展


展   期:2018年7月15日至9月12日


地   址:798東街藝術區 #D10 法國館 中國北京朝陽區酒仙橋路2號

Curated by Shi Jianbang

Duration:15th July to 12th September 2018

Opening of the exhibition of Ding Tianque on 18th August 2018 at 3:00pm

Beijing 798 Gallery “ICI LABAS” 798 Dong Street #D10 Art Zone Beijing
