More than 100 years ago, Oscar Wilde defined the cynic as "a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing." The virtual economy, which governs our contemporary social world, has made us into cynics of the Wildean sort. Stocks are traded every day, but there is no real money; money is generated every day, but we are still empty-handed. This disjunction of price from value is the core phenomenon of contemporary economic life. The basic temporal unit of life is the year, and the year is cyclical. But the stock market’s day-k, week-k and the month-k have come to dominate the life-cycle. When other people are concerned about the day-k, the week-k and the month-k, Hua Yong focuses on our perennial problem, examining the economy from the perspective of our lives rather than seeing life from the narrowly economical point of view.
Peng Feng
October 2, 2009 at Weixiu Yuan ,Peking University