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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-04-17 22:13:49 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

Nanfang, born in Handan City, Hebei Province,1976

Graduated from oil Painting Department of Academy Fine Arts, Hebei Normal University, in 1999

Stayed on to teach since 1999.

awarded a master's degree in 2006

Working in Oil Painting Department of Academy of Fine Arts, Hebei Normal University.

Council Deputy Secretary-General. Oil Painting council Hebei Arts Association

Guest lecturer of Oil Painting Department of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts.


1997 Sketch of Fine Arts Exhibition of China, China • China Art Gallery

2003 Hand in hand in the new century - the third Annual Chinese Oil Painting Society Exhibition, China • China Art Gallery

Went to France in 2004 China's first modern art exhibition [France • Paris], [Composition Prize] , France • Paris)

2005 Art Exhibition of Chinese opera themes, China • Today Art Museum

2005 Shanghai Youth Art Exhibition [Shen Roujian Arts Award], Shanghai Liu Haisu Art Gallery)

2006 unusual impression - [epigenetic generation] oil painting exhibition, China • Today Art Museum

2006 Endless Rivers and Mountains - South and North Oil Painting Exhibition (China • China Art Gallery

2006 – Horizon-Five Famous Contemporary Painting Exhibition (China • Shanghai • Ancient arts Gallery

2006 China Today Art Exhibition, China • China Art Gallery

2007 "Academy•Inheritance "First National Normal University, Academy of Fine Arts oil painting teacher Exhibition, China • Zhejiang Exhibition Hall

2007 The Standpoint of Chongqing - China Contemporary Art Exhibition, China • Chongqing Three Gorges Museum

2008 Second session of the Chinese Contemporary Printmaking Exhibition Literature, China • Nanjing Museum • Beijing Masayuki wood BUT Gallery

2008 "Integration and Creation” Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition of academic masters, China • Capital Museum

2008 China and South Korea Artists Exhibition, South Korea • Seoul Museum of Art

2009 Chinese Contemporary Artists "Pictorial" nomination Exhibition, China • Phoenix Art Museum

2009 Third Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Printmaking literature, China • Nanjing Museum

2009 Chunhua Qiushi 1949-2009 edition of the New China Exhibition, China • Hunan Provincial Art Gallery Art Gallery

2010 Impression of 10 people, China • Beijing Time Museum

Main Personal exhibition:

2006 "Growing in Happiness" exhibition, China • 798 Century Langhammer Gallery

2007 "Growing in Happiness" exhibition, Beijing Today Art Museum • Chongqing • Jin Se Gallery, Xiamen • Hong Bao Zhai Gallery

2008 "Growing in Happiness" exhibition, Taiwan • Zhuo Marina Gallery, Hangzhou • Show space

2010 "Growing in Happiness" exhibition, China • Hubei Museum of Art

2010 "The contradictions of progress", Hebei Province, China • Art Gallery

Works collected by "the artist born in the seventies - the art back-up," etc.

Works collected by the Chinese Museum of Art, France, Denmark, Hong Kong and Taiwan region and the private collections of national institutions.

2010 " The contradictions of progress " exhibition, China • Shanghai Museum of Art

Main academic writing:

"Growing in Happiness • Nanfang Oil Painting Set" "Chinese contemporary artists • contemporary thinking • the Nanfang Volume" "Growing in Happiness • Nanfang"

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