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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-04-20 09:32:42 | 文章來源: 藝術中國




時間/Time:4/23 20:00(晚上8時正)

地點/ Venue:澳門牛房倉庫 / Ox Warehouse

門票/Ticket: MOP $100

售票點/Ticket Office:

牛房倉庫及邊度有書 / Ox Warehouse & Pinto Livros (牛房之友、邊度有書之友及學生可享MOP$70票價優惠,購票時須出示有效證件) (Special ticket purchase at MOP$70 are open for Friends of Ox Warehouse,Pinto Livros and students .Please present vaild ID during purchase)

現場不設劃位 Seats are not assigned

主辦 / Organizer:婆仔屋藝術空間 / 澳門大學學生會國際電影學會 / 節點文化

協辦 / Co-Organizer:邊度有書 / 拍板視覺藝術團

贊助 / Sponsor﹕教育暨青年局 DSEJ, 澳門文化局



Kashiwa Daisuke (柏大輔)

日本廣島出生。高中時代曾經組過樂團,于04年開始個人創作,在阪本龍一的“RADIO SAKAMOTO”播放作品後,其充滿影像感的聲響呈現引起廣泛關注。05年在德國前衛廠牌[onpa]參與合輯,後在[onpa]發行個人首張專輯《April.#02》。《program music I》是07年在日本著名獨立廠牌noble發表第二張專輯,以日本國寶作家宮澤賢治的《銀河鐵道之夜》與太宰治的《奔跑吧,梅洛斯》作為兩首作品的母題,以其狂暴偏執的密集式拼貼與錯誤美學手段,將長篇室內樂章加以拆解扭曲再重組,呈現氣勢迫人的極速異質聲響世界。在最新作品《5 Dec.》當中,則大量使用人聲採樣與更暴烈的噪音與金屬吉他狂飆,伴隨的是各式電子節奏氛圍,從break core、down tempo、bleep techno到drum n’ bass,卻在往後出現戲劇性轉折,一切噪動回歸平靜的微模電音與鋼琴,柏大輔始終對聲響與留白之間的迷人反差有著異於尋常的狂想,孕育出獨特的金屬美學觀。

Influenced by progressive rock, kashiwa daisuke started composing music as a student. 2004, the artist started his solo activities as kashiwa daisuke and toured Germany in 2005. 2006 saw the release of his first album, “april.#02” by Germany’s onpa label, followed by his remix album, “april.#07” in 2007 with guest remixers such as olive oil, and Takeshi Nishimoto (I’m not a Gun). In August of that year, kashiwa released his second album “program music I” from noble labels. September 2008, kashiwa performed at the outdoor festival, Sense of Wonder. The sounds of kashiwa daisuke were introduced in RADIO SAKAMOTO, a radio program by Ryuichi Sakamoto as well as in the sunaokuwahara “2006 Autumn/ Winter Collection”, and his music continues to gather news in a range of other areas including TV programs and commercials. In addition to his own musical activities, the artist provides music to a variety of media and also works as an author, remixer, and mastering engineer. His new album, “5 Dec.” is scheduled for release in February 2009.


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