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藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-09-08 19:39:17  | 文章來源: 藝術中國


此次藝博覽會注重當代與經典結合,吸引了來自德國、法國、南韓、西班牙、黎巴嫩、俄羅斯、美國、香港、朝鮮等不同國家地區的 60 余家知名畫廊參展,參展作品數量多達四千多件,涵蓋油畫、雕塑、攝影、國畫等各類藝術形式。現實主義大師德加的名作《站立的女人》、羅中立的《過河》、以及天趣國際藝術中心的陳逸飛《水鄉》系列的作品,紛紛亮相藝博會,引起藝術界的轟動。


應廣大藝術愛好者及藏家的盛情和熱烈要求,天趣國際藝術將延續在北京的展期:將於9月6日 — 10月12日在北京798庫畫廊舉辦為期 30天的“6大名家聯展”,天趣藝術家經典的作品將再次展現于您面前,歡迎光臨參觀指導。


Art of Nature awarded ‘The Most Influential Art Gallery’ in the 12th Beijing International Art Exposition

The 12th Beijing International Art Exposition, organized by the Beijing International Art Exchange Center, has successfully drawn to a close. This art exposition focused on the combination of contemporary and classics. It had attracted more than 60 famous galleries from different countries, such as Germany, France, Korea, Spain, Lebanon, Russia, the United States, Hong Kong, Korea, etc. More than 4000 pieces of art works had been exhibited, including oil painting, sculpture, photography, traditional Chinese painting, etc.

Dagas’ "Standing woman", Luo Zhongli's "Cross the River", and ART OF NATURE, Chen Yifei’s series of works on "Water Village" have been displayed in the International Art Exposition, causing quiet a stir in the art world.

ART OF NATURE, which is based on the theme “ An Artistic Hong Kong, A Better Life” had specially designed 3 thematic pavilions: classical oil painting,contemporary creative ink color and contemporary oil painting. By presenting the art pieces of the returned artists such as Chen Yifei, Lin Minggang Wang Shouqing, Xu Enqi, Liu Naipeng, etc., it reveals a high academic and innovative level. This high standard art exposition was surrounded by rich art atmosphere, and such unique and fascinating scene had attracted many visitors, including art collectors, critics, media, auction company, and dilettantes. The exhibition lasted for 5 days and has been well received. ART OF NATURE signed agreements with several art agencies on art exchange, exhibition and sales. At the same time, the ink and colour silk work “Red Apple” has been selected to the auction of Contemporary ink Session held by China Guardian Auction Company in November 2009. On the 12th Arts Fair Award Ceremony, ART OF NATURE won the reputation of the most influential gallery.

In response to the warm request from the art lovers and collectors, ART OF NATURE is now extending the exhibition in Beijing: A 30-day Five Artists Joint Exhibition will be held in KU Gallery, DAD-Dashanzi Art District from Sep.6 to Oct.12. We will again present you the classical works from Art of Nature.








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· 融合當代與傳統 第12屆北京藝博會在北京舉辦
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