



時間: 2023-10-27 16:43:21 | 來源: 藝術中國
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林億(Benjamin Lim Yi

林億,Benjamin Lim Yi 旅華新加坡音樂製作人、青年作曲家、音樂總監、多部影視作品聲音設計、音頻總監。

新加坡華樂總會理事、新加坡笙協會理事、新加坡詞曲協會成員。北京盛唐億界音樂工作室(BLY Studios)創始人、 新加坡英華學校(自主)前音樂系主任、新加坡萊佛音樂學院-英國西倫敦大學講師及海外考官、 新加坡教育部音樂考官以及繼續學院(STAR)講師與顧問。

2009年畢業于新加坡南洋理工大學教育學院本科 (榮譽學位), 並獲得南洋理工大學“校友金牌”和教育學院“最優秀學生獎”。2014年考取中央音樂學院作曲係碩士研究生, 師從中國著名作曲家唐建平教授,同時榮獲新加坡藝術理事會以及中國政府“來華獎學金”。2009-2014擔任新加坡鼟樂團駐團作曲家。

林億的音樂創作涉及交響、民族管弦樂隊、合唱、室內樂、影視配樂、舞臺劇、舞蹈、電子、多媒體等類型。曾在中央電視臺‘中秋晚會’ 、‘風華國樂’、‘快樂大巴’、‘中國好聲音’、‘故事裏的中國’、 ‘音樂回歸自然’、北京電視臺、湖南衛視、浙江衛視等多項節目中擔任作曲、編曲、音樂製作工作。


BLY Studios 由著名青年新加坡作曲家、音樂製作人林億和著名中國青年琵琶演奏家孫瑩聯合創始,自2018年位於北京。其工作室參與過的音樂,配樂錄製、聲音設計、後期音頻工作包括:電影《楊貴妃-王朝的女人》《三生三世十里桃花》《妖貓傳》;電視劇《武媚娘傳奇》《瑯琊榜2之風起長林》《白鹿原》《扶搖》《如懿傳》《知否知否》《清平樂》 等;央視《國家寶藏》《舌尖上的中國》《風華國樂》《經典咏流傳》《慈善之夜》;合作藝人:莫文蔚、李玉剛、張碧晨、張靚穎、趙薇、霍尊、尚雯婕、吳亦凡、信樂團、譚維維、鳳凰傳奇、張也、王麗達、雷佳等。

His works span the entire range from commissioned concert pieces, theatre, contemporary dance and stage productions, to film, television and children's music.

Some of the groups and artists he has written music for and collaborated with include Singapore Symphony Orchestra and Choruses, The Xi’an Philharmonic Orchestra, The Central Ballet Academy of China, the Beijing Dance Academy, the Beijing Chinese Orchestra, Shanghai Chinese Orchestra, Central Conservatory of Music Orchestra, China Ethnic Song and Dance Ensemble, Guiyang Symphony Orchestra, Macau Chinese Orchestra, Wu Tong (from The Silk Road Ensemble), Classical Guitar virtuoso Xuefei Yang, Singapore Chinese Orchestra, Singapore Lyric Opera Children’s Choir, T.H.E. Dance Company, Toy Factory, Theatreworks, Paper Monkey Theatre, The Substation, Dingyi Music Ensemble, Little Giant Ensemble (Taiwan), Re:mix String Orchestra, Oxley String Quartet, The Sing Song Club and The TENG Ensemble; they have been performed and showcased in Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul, London, and many cities across China including Shanghai and Beijing.

He has also written and produced music for multiple programmes on the CCTV Stations, Beijing Television Station, Zhejiang Weishi Station, iQiyi China, the Industrial and Commercial Bank China (ICBC) and arranged music for the popular singing competition Sing!China. His soundtracks for film have accompanied and won multiple awards at notable international film festivals, including the Busan Film Festival, Asian Film Festival Berlin, Shanghai Film Festival, Cairo Film Festival, Osaka Asian Film Festival, Jakarta Film Festival, Shargah Biennial Festival, Bangkok Film Festival and the Singapore Film Festival.

Benjamin graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, with a Masters of Music under the tutelage of Professor Jianping Tang, and was a recipient of the Singapore National Arts Council (Postgraduate) and Central Chinese Government scholarships. He is also an executive committee member of the Singapore Chinese Music Federation and Singapore Sheng Society.
