
時間: 2015-03-23 16:06:39 | 來源: 藝術中國

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兼任中國建築學會室內設計分會CIID 副會長;中國室內裝飾協會設計委員會副主任;中國美術家協會環境設計專業委員會特邀委員。

Sherman Lin

Creative Director of Newsdays Interior Design and Construction Co., Ltd; Graduate Supervisor& Guest Professor, School of Urban Design, China Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA); GraduateSupervisor & Guest Professor, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts; Researcher of Chinese NationalAcademy of Art; Researcher of Wu Guanzhong Art Research Centre, Tsinghua University; Researcher of China National Academy of Painting.

Vice- President of China Institute of Interior Design (CIID), Vice-Director of China Interior Design andDecoration Commission, Commissioner of Environment Art Committee of China Artists Associ tion.

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