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理查德•迪肯(Richard Deacon)

藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-01-29 19:13:43 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

理查德•迪肯(Richard Deacon)



威爾士雕塑家。1980年,他開始創作一系列金屬和木頭薄板的簡單機體形狀,表面與結構相一致。迪肯認為他自己是一個製作者,而不是一個建造者,他利用未經加工成型的基本材料製作雕塑,通過比喻的方法來探索語言和感覺決定的人類體驗。雖然迪肯創造的形狀從表面看來是抽象的,但是他卻通過富有含義的命名來體現作品對身體的比喻和收集資訊的方法,例如《親眼所見(The Eye Has It)》”(1984,倫敦,ACGB;見於England, fig. 34)。迪肯不斷拓寬他的語言表達和選取材料的範圍,例如,在“《男孩和女孩(Boys and Girls)》”(1982,倫敦,英國文化協會)中加入了乙烯樹脂和層壓木板。他由此創造了更深刻更複雜的比喻含義,形成了極為靈活多變的個人風格。


Richard Deacon

(nominated for Turner Prize in 1984 / won in 1987)

born 1949

Richard is a Welsh sculptor. In 1980 he began making a series of sheet metal and laminated wood sculptures in simple organic shapes, their surfaces congruent with their structure. Deacon considered himself a fabricator rather than a constructor and used unformed basic material to make sculptures that explored, by the use of metaphor, ideas that defined human experience through language and the senses. Although the forms devised by Deacon were fundamentally abstract in appearance, this metaphorical reference to the body and its methods of gathering information was alluded to in idiomatic titles such as The Eye Has It (1984; London, ACGB; see England, fig. 34). As Deacon widened both his vocabulary and his range of materials, incorporating, for instance, vinyl and plywood into Boys and Girls (1982; London, British Council), so he increased the depth and complexity of metaphor into a highly flexible personal idiom.

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