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莫娜•哈透姆(Mona Hatoum)

藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-01-29 19:09:35 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

莫娜•哈透姆(Mona Hatoum)

莫娜•哈透姆1952年出生於黎巴嫩的貝魯特。1970-1972年,在貝魯特大學學習;1975-1979年,在倫敦Byam Shaw藝術學院(中央聖馬丁藝術學院前身)學習;1978-1981年,就讀于倫敦大學史萊德藝術學院。1995年,哈透姆入圍“透納獎”候選人名單。2003-2004年間,參與了柏林德國學術交流中心國際藝術家項目。1975年黎巴嫩內戰爆發後,哈透姆來到倫敦,開始在這裡生活。



Mona Hatoum was born in 1952 in Beirut, Lebanon. She studied at Beirut University College, 1970-1972, the Byam Shaw School of Art, London, 1975-9, and the Slade School of Fine Art, London, 1979-81. Hatoum was short-listed for the Turner Prize in 1995, and undertook a DAAD International Artists Programme in Berlin, 2003-4. Hatoum came to London in 1975 and remained there after the outbreak of the civil war in Lebanon.

Hatoum’s practice was originally rooted in performance and video. Incommunicado (1993) engages with the viewer’s senses and emotions. Indeed, in this work she manipulates an object usually associated with warmth, support and protection, a child’s cot, by adding elements usually found on unhomely devices, in this case wire and steel bars. This work also brings to mind Hatoum’s explorations of the themes of identity, constraint, and opposites. She has subverted an everyday or innocuous object and instilled it with loaded meaning - a child’s cot made to appear threatening and dangerous.

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