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馬克•渥林格(Mark Wallinger)

藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-01-29 19:07:52 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

馬克•渥林格(Mark Wallinger)


馬克•渥林格早期的作品反映出他伸手英國左翼思想傳統的影響,他希望自己的作品具有廣泛的吸引力。1995年,在透納獎的展覽上,他的作品結合了繪畫和錄影,內容是基於他一貫感興趣的賽馬,隱喻英國對階級等級和育馬的狂熱。作品使用一匹真正的賽馬,拓展了冠軍的概念,被命名為《真正的藝術品》[Real Work of Art, 1994]。就算是從更為普遍的意義上來説,他的作品也是對英國在20世紀晚期的身份,其歷史神話、傳統、禮節和社會體系做出的一次幽默諷刺。



Mark Wallinger was born in Chigwell, Essex, England in 1959. He studied at Loughton College, Essex, 1977-8, Chelsea School of Art, London, 1978–81, and finally at Goldsmith’s College, London, 1983–5. Wallinger was nominated for the Turner Prize in 1995. He was awarded a Henry Moore Fellowship at the British School in Rome, 1998 and undertook a DAAD International Artists Programme, Berlin, 2001. He represented Britain at the 49th Venice Biennale, 2001. Wallinger lives and works in London.

Mark Wallinger’s early works reflected his roots in the tradition of British left-wing thought, and his wish that his work should have broad appeal. His work for his Turner Prize exhibition in 1995 incorporating painting and film was based on his interest in horse racing as a metaphor for the British fixation with class and breeding, and one that extended the Duchampian idea of the ready made to include an actual race horse named by the artist a Real Work of Art (1994). Yet on a more general level, his work is also a humorous satire of late twentieth century British identity: its historical myths, traditions, ceremonies and social systems.

Wallinger’s later works focus on morals and philosophy, in particular, religion and death. Indeed, the artist has extended his interest in philosophy by developing his own conceptual and visual vocabulary, motifs which he finds central to western philosophy. He often uses the mirror, a device which fascinates him because of its doubling and illusionary effects. These motifs are employed by the artist to create a further interpretation of his work, beyond a mere satirical reading.

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