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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-03-16 16:54:48 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

3月20日 13:30-15:00





March 20, 13:30-15:00

【Art Program】Artist Talk: Lu Guang——About Pollution in China

Auditorium / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

With the topic Pollution in China, 2009 Photographer Lu Guang became the first recipient of W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund in China. He ran over 20 provinces of China in five years.Each picture he shot inspires people to think about the situation of Chinese pollution and make a deep impression on audiences.


3月20日 15:30-17:30

【媒體項目】UCCA-青年視覺雜誌合作系列——“浪潮” 1:中間人——關於情人的角落



March 20, 15:30-17:30

【Press Project】UCCA-VISION “Wave” Series 1: Man In The Middle - A Corner About Lovers

La Suite / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

【WAVE】is the VISION special landing activity. Every third weekend of each month WAVE will share the concept and its extension information of the topic with readers at UCCA. Starting with the topic itself, this activity creates an interesting, thought-provoking, and imaginative space.


3月21日 11:00-12:30

【媒體項目】UCCA-FCCC駐華外國記者俱樂部“獨家號外”系列 8:新聞在非洲


Marcus Muhariwa是一位來自非洲馬拉維的新聞記者,目前在清華大學攻讀全球財經新聞碩士。田中正良則是日本廣播協會的記者,曾在肯亞,法國,和中國等多個國家進行新聞報道。他們將和觀眾們聊聊他們在非洲的新聞報導體驗,從政治,經濟,社會和文化等多方面為我們提供一個新的看待非洲的視角。

March 21, 11:00-12:30

【Press Project】UCCA-FCCC Series: “Breaking News” 8: Reporting in Africa

Auditorium / Entry Free / Chinese&English

Marcus Muhariwa is a Malawian journalist, currently studying for an MA in Global Business Journalism at Tsinghua University. Tanaka Masayoshi has been a journalist with Japan's NHK for two decades, reporting from Kenya, Paris and now China as well as his native Japan.


3月21日 13:00-15:00




March 21, 13:00-15:00

【Art Program】Artist Talk: Kehinde Wiley

Auditorium / Entry Free / Chinese & English

Kehinde Wiley, our spotlighted portrait artist creates deep impressions with the symbolic imagers and decorative patterns he uses.In conjunction with Legends of Unity, Wiley will share his specific art view and practice.


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