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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-02-21 08:46:52 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

講座 Lecture

2月25日 14:00-15:30

“中國新設計”系列 18:狂野的精靈:周祥宇和他服裝



February 25, 14:00-15:30

“China New Design” 18: Crazy spirit : Zhou Xiangyu and his clothes

Auditorium / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

Beginning in 2010, UCCA invites the fashion designer Zhou Xiangyu. He uses contrast inspiration. Let's imagine a winter wearing Zhou Xiangyu' s fashion designs...

2月27日 12:00-13:30

“青年意見領袖”系列 8:時裝,從中國製造到中國創造


設計師張馳,在英國及義大利學習了近10年時裝設計,于2007年6月在倫敦成立了第一間工作室並開始在英國銷售自己的同名男裝——Chi Zhang。2008年10月,張馳抵返北京,於時尚核心地段建外SOHO東區成立了"張馳高級定制服裝設計工作室",將自己的工作重心由倫敦轉移至北京。

February 27, 12:00-13:30

Seires “Young Opinion Leaders” 6: Fashion, from Made in China to Designed in China

Auditorium / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

After 10 years of study in fashion design in Britain and Italy, designer Zhang Chi, established his first studio in London in June 2007 and started selling his own brand – Chi Zhang. In October 2008, Zhang Chi moved back to Beijing, and launched his fashion design studio in the fashion hub of Beijing – Jianwai SOHO area, readjusting his focus from London to Beijing.

2月27日 13:30-15:00

“中國新設計”系列 19:劉治治的“普通設計”



February 27, 13:30-15:00

“China New Design” 19: General Design by Liu Zhizhi

Auditorium / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

As the most popular guest of UCCA China new Design series, Liu Zhizhi has been in dialog with a number of important designers. Throughout their discussions we have understood China young designers strenghts.


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