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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-11-29 10:00:52 | 文章來源: 英使館文化處
22. This Way Up
by Smith & Foulkes

Nexus Productions動畫公司為BBC製作的喜劇短片《這邊走》(This Way Up)為我們講述了兩個送葬者的“黑色冒險經歷”。 2009年81屆奧斯卡提名最佳動畫短片的“厄運葬禮”。居住在英國某個鄉村的山剋父子是當地的葬儀師,他們從事喪葬行業,負責恭送死者的最後一程。某個陰沉昏暗的早晨,父子倆驅車前往鄰近的村落,去接送一位剛剛逝去的老太太的棺材到墓地安葬。而這一路他們將經歷難以想像的艱難險阻,倒楣的事情接踵而至,巨石砸爛了他們的靈車,父子倆被迫抬著棺材步行前進,途中遭遇重重險阻,甚至還到地獄走了一遭。畫面和故事情節比較完美,在兩個送葬者都死了之後,他們的靈魂依舊完成了自己的使命,很敬業,也很英國式幽默。

British Animation Awards 2010 Winners

8 April 2010 saw the British Animation Awards ceremony take place at BFI Southbank. Notable mentions go to Stephen Irwin whose film The Black Dog’s Progress received two awards, including Best Short Film; Philip Hunt from Studio AKA was awarded Best Animated Special for his film, Lost & Found; The Secret of Kells, directed by Tomm Moore & Nora Twomey, took the European Animated Feature; and Aardman Animations walked away with the awards for the Children’s Choice and Best Children’s Series categories.

The full list of British Animation Awards winners:

Best Student Film: Yellow Belly End directed by Philip Bacon, produced at National Film & Television School

Best Pre-School Series: Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom: Big Bad Barry directed by Neville Astley & Mark Baker, produced by Astley Baker Davies/E1 Kids for Nick Jr

Best Music Video: Flogging Molly: Float directed by Karni & Saul, produced by Rokkit for Sideone Dummy

Best Children’s Series: Shaun the Sheep: Ewe’ve Been Framed directed by Richard Webber, series director Chris Sadler, produced by Aardman Animations for BBC & WDR

Best Film/TV Graphics: Holland Animation Film Festival Title Sequence: Robin directed by Lee Wilson Wolfe & Pete Bishop, produced by The Shop

Applied Animation: The Violent Highway, Animation Director Tony Comley, produced by Sherbet for BBC

Best Sound Track: The Black Dog’s Progress, Music: Sorenious Bonk, produced for Animate Projects

Best Animated Special: Lost & Found, directed by Phillip Hunt, produced by Studio AKA

New Media: Best Commissioned Animation: Harmonix: The Beatles Rock Band Intro, directed by Pete Candeland, produced by Passion Pictures

Best Commercial: Craft: Audi Q5: Unboxed, directed by Russell Brooke & Aaron Duffy, produced by Passion Pictures for BBH, London

Children’s Choice: Wallace & Gromit: A Matter of Loaf & Death, directed by Nick Park, produced by Aardman Animations

Best Commercial: Director: Audi Q5: Unboxed, directed by Russell Brooke & Aaron Duffy, produced by Passion Pictures for BBH, London

Best Short Film: The Black Dog’s Progress, directed by Stephen Irwin, produced for Animate Projects

European Animated Feature: The Secret of Kells, directed by Tomm Moore & Nora Twomey, A Les Armateurs/ Vivi Film/ Cartoon Sal’oon/ France 2 Cinéma Co-Production〕〕

Public Choice: Favourite Music Video: Rex the Dog: Bubblicious, directed by Geoffroy de Crecy, produced by Partizan for Cooperative Music

Public Choice: Favourite Advert: Cadburys Creme Egg: Mousetrap, directed by Chris Cairns, produced by Partizan for Publicis, London

Public Choice: Favourite Film: This Way Up, directed by Smith & Foulkes, produced by Nexus Productions

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