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藝術中國 | 時間: 2011-02-11 10:21:22 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

Until March 2011, will take place the VI edition of Magmart | video under volcano,international videoart festival.

The Festival is realized in partnership with CAM - Casoria Contemporary Art Museum.PROGRAMMING

On 2011 March, 18-19, in the venue of Foundation Universal Forum of Cultures 2013, in thedowntown of Naples, Italy, along two days will be screening selected videos from 6international videoart festivals: Örebro International Videoart Festival (Sweden), GazaInternational Festival for Video Art (Palestine), Oslo Screen Festival (Norway), AllArtNow(Syria), Danube Videoart Festival (Austria), Athens Video Art Festival (Greece).

A short selection of Magmart's videos will be screened at its turn in Damascus and Athens,hosted by relative festivals.

In the course of event at Foundation, will be screened the preselection of submitted videoartworks for VI edition of Magmart, and will have place meetings and debates.

On April 16, at CAM - Casoria Contemporary Art Museum, 'historical' partner of festival, willhave place the award-screening night of artworks selected by Jury, which will become part of

Permanent Collection of CAM.

Other appointments will be communicate on official website (www.magmart.it), on Facebookpage and via email (for mailing-list members).


All the artworks must arrive within 2011, February, 28.


The Festival is open to all international videoartists. Participation is free.See all the rules on our website www.magmart.it/rules.php


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