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夏達 簡介

藝術中國 | 時間: 2011-04-29 08:30:37 | 文章來源: 藝術中國


  2009年2月,她的長篇漫畫《子不語》得到日本集英社總編輯長茂木行雄和著名漫畫編輯松井榮元的大力推薦,正式登陸日本,與日本頂級漫畫大師同刊連載于日本頂級漫畫雜誌《Ultra Jump》,成為國內唯一一部在國內走紅後打入日本頂級漫畫雜誌的原創漫畫,夏達也成為內地漫畫有此殊榮第一人。




  As one of the most famous new-generation comic artists in China, Xia Da published her earliest cartoon short story Growing Up in Beijing Cartoon. After graduation, Xia Da started her career in comics in Beijing and published dozens of cartoon works in various magazines such as Beijing Cartoon, Dian Man, Stories, Comic Friends, etc. Her cartoon series Midland Stars, published in Beijing Cartoon, won overwhelming recognition from the readers, many of whom later became her loyal fans. Snow Falls in Silence is also one of her most popular works, which adapted into a web drama.
  Her artistic style, full of majestically ancient elements and humanitarian feelings towards sentiment, the world and the nature, is heavily influenced by her knowledge in Chinese classic literature and her introverted disposition. With the kind of grandeur and composure in her works rarely found in works by her contemporaries, Xia Da is recognized as the most talented and beautiful comic artist in China. She won the ‘Emerging Talent’ Award at the 1st Sino-Japan Adolescents Exchange Comic Festival, the Award of Excellence at the 3rd China Comics Short Stories Competition, and the first prize of the Young Girls group of the 5th OACC Golden Dragon Award competition.
  In February, 2009, her comic work Zi Bu Yu was recommended strongly by Shigeki Yukio, chief editor of SHUEISHA, Japan and Matsui Eimoto, one of the world’s most reputed comic editors, and was introduced into Japan to appear together with comic works by several Japanese comic masters in the reputed magazine Ultra Jump, making Xia Da the first and only one comic author in mainland China whose work has won such prestigious honor from Japan.
 At the end of 2009, Zi Bu Yu was published in China and later in the Japanese market, and soon became the best-seller in the comic markets of mainland China, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan. The book was printed for four times within several months after it appeared in the domestic market.
  Representative Works: Zi Bu Yu, The Silent Godzilla  


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