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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-03-31 14:12:40 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

Another World—Solo Exhibition of Ma Zhimin

Curator: Sun Zhi

Venue: ShanSi Art Space

Gallery open: 11:00 – 19:00

Exhibition :2010.04.17-2010.7.16

Opening Reception :2010.04.17 4:00 pm

Add:10R Building7, Julong Garden,No.68 Xinzhong St.Dongcheng District,Beijing


Calm, pure, caring, a understanding of life to another, reminding us to re-look at the world and the lives of individuals living in them.

This is Ma Zhimin’s works give me the feeling, from the works to see his thoughts and insights on life.

The face of the temptations of contemporary society, the real artists need to calm thinking and abandon the impetuous.

In the era of information explosion, a lot of information has become a burden.

Where is the future of humanity ? May be a simple world like the animal’s world.

As a young artist, Ma Zhimin art road is still long, the road is so painful and uncertain,

but, Ma Zhimin has demonstrated extraordinary calm and deep,

he created the "another world", is so calm and pure, and even a kind of poetic.

The animals seem like "ugly", but they showed tenderness, or meditation, or depression, of which implies the endless loss.

Ma Zhimin created a simple animal world with his imagination, his paintings of animal have a kind of expression with thought,

you carefully watched the works, will unknowingly go into that world, will gradually calm down.

"I want to show you the world that you never know."

Ma Zhimin said, perhaps the world would be buried deep in the hearts of each one of us.

Go to another world ? Or continue to stay in this world ?


馬志民 另一個世界,綠色的天空


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