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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-05-06 16:16:37 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

5月9日 14:00-19:00

【UCCA 藝術影院】UCCA-《週末畫報》:週末i電影——關不住的春光


作為城市新銳文化的領航者,《週末畫報》與UCCA合作發起了 “週末i文化”系列活動。此次“週末i電影”以《關不住的春光》為主題,將在現場連續放映兩部影片,分別為王小帥的處女作,由藝術家劉小東、喻紅主演的《冬春的日子》和婁燁在第62屆戛 納電影節榮獲最佳編劇獎的《春風沉醉的晚上》。從這兩部跨越了16年的電影當中,你看到的不僅是影片主題當中顯而易見的藝術家生存狀態和同志引發的周邊問題,還能窺探出中國獨立電影在這些年的發展,以及新浪潮概念在中國電影環境下的存在。

May 9, 14:00-19:00

【UCCA Art Cinematheque】UCCA-Modern Weekly: Spring Film Show

UCCA Art Cinematheque / In Chinese only / Invitation only, see www.ucca.org.cn for more details

Spring has finally arrived, on this Sunday afternoon UCCA collaborates with Modern Weekly to present two remarkable independent Chinese films, Spring Fever (dir Lou Ye), The Days (dir Wang Xiaoshuai, featuring Liu Xiaodong, Yu Hong) and discusses “Chinese New Wave Cinema” with director Wang Xiaoshuai, curator Ou Ning and producer Nai An.


5月15日 19:00-20:30

【UCCA 藝術影院】Tresor 電影放映夜:《地下柏林》


柏林Tresor俱樂部聯合Intro 2010 北京電子音樂節,將共同主辦“Tresor電影放映夜”,力圖通過紀錄片《地下柏林》為北京觀眾更好地介紹電子音樂文化。德國導演Tilmann Kuenzel去年年末剛剛完成的紀錄片《地下柏林》講述了柏林電子音樂俱樂部Tresor的故事。

May 15, 19:00-20:30

【UCCA Art Cinematheque】Tresor Movie Screening Night:Sub Berlin

UCCA Art Cinematheque / Entry Free / German and English with Chinese subtitle

Tresor Club together with Intro 2010 Beijing Electronic Music Festival, will organize “Tresor Movie Screening Night”, as part of the festival’s serial series of events of the festival, and hope to introduce electronic music culture to the Beijing audience with the documentary film Sub Berlin. ...


5月16日 16:30-20:00

【UCCA 藝術影院】米歇爾·維勒貝克: 維勒貝克只為維勒貝克



May 16, 16:30-20:00

【UCCA Art Cinematheque】Michel Houellebecq:Houellebecq For Houellebecq

UCCA Art Cinematheque / Admission ticket required / In French with Chinese and English subtitles

Considered an agitator and a writer for his generation, the novelist and poet Michel Houellebecq doesn’t leave anyone unmoved. He is one of French contemporary literature’s most famous writers. His novels Plateforme (Platforme) and La possibilité d’une le (The Possibility of an Island), both published in China, earned him a reputation; both are considered to have helped introduce a new style to the French literary scene. Michel Houellebecq will discuss his work at UCCA and his film Possibility of an Island will be screened.


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