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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-03-16 16:54:48 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

3月18日 16:30-18:00




March 18, 16:30-18:00

【Art Program】Artists Talk: Zhang Yuan in dialogue with Liu Xiaodong

Auditorium / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

In conjunction with Zhang Yuan's exhibition at UCCA, famous Chinese contemporary artist Liu Xiaodong, who is also the best friend of Zhang Yuan, will be invited to talk with him to review the past and taste the moment.


3月19日 14:00-15:30



宋洋是當前歐洲最具影響力的中國青年動漫藝術家。他的藝術創作涵蓋了漫畫、油畫、音樂、雕塑、設計等多個領域。他所創造的的經典形象BADGIRL,已經出版過數本ART BOOK:油畫,雕塑,音樂EP,四格漫畫故事等多重形式。正是代表了80一代中國新青年的鮮明特質,甚至是一場豪華的藝術革新。此次她將討論她3月份最新發佈的EP: Bad Girl Cure - 一個融合繪畫,音樂,流行的新藝術立方體。

March 19, 14:00-15:30

【Press Project】UCCA-0086 Magazine Series “Young Opinion Leader” 9: Song Yang and His Bad Girl Cure

Auditorium / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

This trendy Chinese Bad Girl, humorous but angry, elegant while sexy, is the artist's direct reflection of our modern life and cultural environment. Song Yang will discuss with the audience about his classic creation and his new EP - the Bad Girl Cure.



【藝術項目】改造歷史 2000-2009年的中國新藝術UCCA系列學術演講與對話


3月20日10:30 從“新藝術史”到“圖像霸權”——視覺文化研究在中國

3月20日16:00 從符號學看什麼是藝術?再看當代藝術有沒有危機?

3月26日14:00 我們需要一個當代藝術圖書館嗎?——圖書、知識與藝術

3月27日10:30 地域性與全球化的混搭景觀——進入21世紀的港臺當代藝術之文化生態與美學空間

March 20, March 26, March 27

【Art Program】Reshaping History-Chinart from 2000- 2009 UCCA Series Academic lectures and dialogs

Auditorium / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

3.20, 10:30 From "New History of Art" to "Image Hegemony"——Visual Culture Research

3.20, 16:00 What’s Art in the View of Image Semiotics?Are there any crisis exist in contemporary art?

3.26, 14:00 Do we need a library of contemporary art? ——Books, knowledge and art

3.27, 10:30 Mix and Match landscape of Locality and Globalization—— Ecological and Aesthetic space of Contemporary Art in Taiwan and Hong Kong since 21st century


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