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尤侖斯當代藝術中心 藝術日曆

藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-02-02 19:00:42 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

講座 Lecture


2月6日 14:00-15:30

UCCA-FCCC駐華外國記者俱樂部合作系列“獨家號外”系列 7:新聞攝影


嘉賓:Bernardo De Niz (法新社新聞攝影師,這位北京紮根的墨西哥人曾為多家媒體機構工作,如路透社,有著“圖片銀行”之稱的科比斯公司;同時,他也為許多國際雜誌撰筆,如《新聞週刊》,《南華早報》和La Vanguardia雜誌。


February 6, 14:00-15:30

UCCA-FCCC Cooperation Series:“Breaking News” 7 : Photo Journalism

Auditorium / Entry Free / Chinese & English

Guest Speaker : Bernardo De Niz is currently a news photographer for AFP (French Press Agency). As a Mexican living in Beijing, he has worked for leading press agencies such as Reuters and famous photo archive Corbis, and has published his work in many international magazines such as Newsweek, SCMP, La Vanguardia


2月7日 13:30-15:30




February 7, 13:30-15:30

UCCA-Southern Weekly Cooperation Series:2009 Original Culture Ranking:Music Forum

Auditorium / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

With UCCA,Southern Weekly will hold a series of culture forums to discuss the most significant topics around this year’s ranking. In the music forum, journalist Ping Ke will dicuss the relationship between music and internet with Gao Xiaosong,iFire and Keso.


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